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Saturday, June 20, 2009

What is the deal with ACORN?

ACORN stands for Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now.

Acorn defines itself as the "nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, workiing together for social justice and stronger communities" ("What is Acorn" 1).

Acorn was established in 1970 is Little Rock, Arkansas. It doesn't say on their official website, but my guess is that they formed in response to the Little Rock Nine event. They have grown to over 350,000 member families, and corporations they own include two radio stations, a voter registration network, and a housing corporation.

Acorns objective is to successfully campaign for better housing, schools, neighborhood safety, health care, job conditions, and more on both a local and national scale.

To learn out more about Acorn, and find a chapter near you, visit their website,

So what's the big deal about Acorn?

The problem with Acorn has everything to do with their voter registration network, and the fact that the taxpayers are funding them.

Back in 2008, prior to the 2008 elections, Acorn campaigned fiercely for voter registration. They registered hundreds of thousands of voters. However, in October of 2008, evidence came to light that some of these registered voters were actually non-existent people. Acorn had registered people such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, to vote in the United States. To make matters worse, both Mickey and Minnie voted in the 2008 elections.

Fast forward to today. Many people, in both Congress and the general public, believe that these fradulent voters helped put President Obama in office. Some people have gone as far as to say that President Obama wouldn't have become president without Acorn's voter registration fraud.

And of course, we also have the issue of taxes. The government gives a substantial amoung of money to Acorn annually; money they get from the American taxpayers. Many people are furious that their hard-earned money is going to an allegedly corrupt organization.

And on top of all this, many are concerned with the slowed investigation process. Since Obama's election, the investigation in the alleged voter fraud of Acorn has slowed down considerably. Many believe it is because of Acorns ties to the president, and the fact that Obama was and still is a member of Acorn.

What do you think? Check out my opinion at AmeriKad.




"What is Acorn?" 20 June 2009 <>.

"Editorial: What is Acorn?" 10 Oct. 2008. The Washington Times. 20 June 2009 <>.

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